30TH MAY 2019
Ben Evolent's latest single Shiver is a song that persuasively rocks through self-reflection and the humbling presence of Nature’s potency. Written in Timor Lest'e in 2017 after walking around the island of Atauro Ben Evolent says Shiver is about the moments in life where a choice of left or right can be made. "It is you taking the plunge knowing that you are in the right place doing the right thing."
With this in mind, we asked Ben Evolent to share other experiences where the right choice shakes with certainty.
Paihia, New Zealand - After spending 3 years living in my Blue bird station wagon, I knew my time in NZ was coming to an end. I drove up north in search of some sun and ended up finding some cash work with some of my gardening skills. The man whom I was helping had unbeknownst to me, toured Africa for 10years. I was looking for my next move and he threw the Shiver at me when he told me to go to Africa. I sold my beloved car and went.
Lilongwe, Malawi - Going to Africa with $200 to be completely broke a year later was liberating. I was looking for work in a very poor country, Malawi. I was taken in by a lot of strangers when a man asked me to drive up the lake with him. We ended up in Nhkata Bay (where I would go on to record my first EP) an I got the shiver after meeting some people who would in turn give me a job driving to all the telecommunication towers in Malawi.
Kapas Island, Malaysia - After having my wallet stolen in Kaula Lumpur, I was stranded for a week with no money. I had been looking for a place just to go and be.. I had the Shiver moment when I met an Indonesian lady whom said Kapas was the place for me. A tiny little island where I ended up camping on my own beach for 2 months. A lot of my first EP was written there.